Networking - Ethernet cables, WiFi, bluetooth, optical fiber; repeaters, switches, routers, controllers, servers; racks modeling home networking, ISPs, internet backbone
Physical Computing - Raspberry Pi, Arduino
Electronics - multimeters, electronics kits, test equipment station
Tools - small fabrication tools
IoT End devices
Fall 2022 Projects
Media Project: device multiple continuous loops of Internet-related visualizations to run on the display.
Network Model Project: build and document for easy reset the lab’s first end to end model of the Internet and have 346 students interact with it.
Inventory Control Project: devise temporary and long-term tracking of key devices, checkout system for instructors and students, and eventually maintenance and ticketing system.
IoT Models Project: working with Kits (like the Smart House) focus on the electronics level for IoT.
AWS Project: working with AWS Academy accounts, experiment with connecting to it from the lab and Canvas.
Home Router Lab Lesson Project: devise 1 hour in-class and 2-4 hour “Saturday morning workshop”
Home Networking Cabinet display: design and implement mounting and populating project for the home networking cabinet.
Optics demonstration Project:
Join Us
Collaborators, volunteers, and anyone curious always welcome. Hours to be announced in September.