9/19/22: Dennis completed initial online training and can create courses in AWS Learner Lab (open ended sandbox, $100 per student); AWS Academy Cloud Foundations, AWS Academy Introduction to Cloud 1 and 2, and AWS Academy Data Center Technician, all of which have various relevance to the end of 346 and the various visions for 347. Next step is to complete some of these courses; understand the commitments implied by teaching them; and select what experiences meet our learning outcomes.
November 22: over 2/3 (120) INST 346 students are completing the AWS Cloud Foundations Course Module 0, 1 (S3), and 3 (Architecture) modules, 6 hours of instruction out of 20 total hours in that course. Evaluating for use of the entire course, and other AWS Academy resources, in 346 and 347.
Investigate creation of a follow-on course to 346 to give cloud computing for beginners more adequate coverage than is possible in 346. Separately but perhaps synergistically, ESG students have requested coursework in Cloud Computing.