Shady Grove Campus - ID Card

Shady Grove Campus - ID Card

Faculty teaching iSchool courses at the Shady Grove campus need to either get a Shady Grove ID card or a Shady Grove assigned ID number (for those who have an active College Park ID card) to be able to use the library, copy and printing machines, computer labs at the Shady Grove campus. The processes of getting a Shady Grove ID card and a Shady Grove ID number are both outlined below.

Do I need a campus ID card?

All Shady Grove students, faculty, and staff are required to display an ID (your College Park ID would work) when accessing Shady Grove facilities. You will need your ID to access the library, computer labs, photocopiers, printers, and other facilities. You will NOT need your ID to access your classroom, but be prepared to show it to a security guard if you are asked.

Shady Grove ID Number

If you are a full-time faculty member at the University of Maryland College Park and have an active UMD College Park ID card, you will NOT be required to get a Shady Grove ID card. However, you will still need to obtain your Shady Grove ID number to use while on the Shady Grove campus. You can get your Shady Grove ID number from the Office of Information Technology on the second floor in Building III or from the Student Center on the first floor of Building III (at the Shady Grove campus). If you have any issues with obtaining your Shady Grove ID number, please reach out to one of the InfoSci-Shady Grove program representatives.

What is the procedure to get a campus ID card?

If you are new to the University of Maryland and to the Shady Grove campus, you will need to get your Shady Grove ID card. To do that:

  1. Please go to the Student Services office (Building III-1st floor; on your left-hand side after you enter the building).

  2. Show your Driver’s License OR a State-issued ID.

  3. You will be taken inside to take a photo and to sign your card.

  4. The card is printed within a few minutes after your photo and signature are taken.