How to Use InSwan Document Scanner in HBK 0302J

The InSwan document scanner plugs into a device via USB 2.0 or 3.0. In addition, you would also need to download the following software: .

The software in question, Documate, is already installed on the rack PC. 


Here's what you will see when you first run Documate.

image (1)-20240306-144616.png

To ensure that the document is in full-screen, hit "ICON" on the top right.

Some common controls include Brightness and Rotation, which you can toggle through the options on the left.

For a more in-depth rundown of its features, you can download a PDF manual and quick start guide from InSwan through the links below.


Quick start guide:

To learn more about how the document scanner is used with Documate, here's a video from InSwan that covers the different settings on Documate.
