Usage Instructions

If you are having trouble navigating the Virtual Computing Lab or are unaware of how to access the resource, please follow the instructions given below:

  1. Go to iSchool VCL, use your university directory credentials to log in.

  2. The home page of the VCL will appear which will show you all the available class options (virtual labs).

  3. Click on the blue button labeled ‘create’ for the class you are currently attending.

  4. Allow a few minutes for the machine to create itself. A popup must appear on the top left part of the screen. Click on download RDP to get the remote desktop program to download onto your local system.

  5. After completion of the download, click on the downloaded file to run the RDP file. It may ask you before connecting as a part of the security protocol. Click on connect.

  6. A prompt box asking for credentials will open up automatically in the center of your screen. The credentials are mentioned on the homepage beside the class, which can be used here.

  7. Logging in the first time might be tricky and testing, but please allow a few attempts ( 1-5 attempts) to connect to the virtual machine.

  8. If you are new to the platform (operating system) that your class requires, we understand it is hard to navigate. All the software required for your class can be found in a folder called ‘starter kit’ on the home screen.

For any questions or if problems persist contact us at iSchool Tech Support.

A video tutorial is available here and here.