Communication and Listsevs

Communication and Listsevs

All employees’ UMD emails will be subscribed to several listservs automatically. These are: 

  • “ischoolfac” - includes all faculty within the College. Official notices, funding opportunities, and announcements go to this list. 

  • “ischoolannouncements” - includes all faculty, staff, and students in the College. 

  • “fall21infofaculty” - includes all instructors teaching in the current semester

  • “2108infofacultypt” - includes all adjunct instructors teaching in the current semester

Employees also have to the option to subscribe to “ischooldiscussion.” Interested employees should send an email to listserv@listserv.umd.edu including the following in the first line of the message: SUBSCRIBE ISCHOOLDISCUSSION <their name>. The subject line of the message should be left blank

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