Information Technology for Students and Faculty

Information Technology for Students and Faculty

The Division of IT offers a range of software free of charge to students, faculty, and staff. A list of available software is at http://terpware.umd.edu/. Instructors wishing to purchase other technology or software licenses for the purposes of a class, should make a request to iSchool Academic Programs (ischoolfacquery@umd.edu) and the Instructional Technology Lead faculty member will work with iSchool IT (ischooltechsupport@umd.edu) on the request. 

The iSchool also maintains a Virtual Computer Lab, which is a dashboard-enabled virtual computing lab for creating Windows/Ubuntu instances using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Instructors wishing to use the VCL should make a request, at least two weeks before the course begins, at https://ischoolvcl.umd.edu. Specific questions about VCL capabilities or deployment opportunities can the Instructional Technology Lead faculty member by submitting a ticket to the iSchool Academic Programs portal at http://tinyurl.com/iSchoolAcademicProgramsPortal.

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