Delayed Openings and Campus Closings
Weather alerts and weather-related schedule updates will be announced on the UMD homepage and the snow hotline: 301-405-7669. The iSchool recommends that all employees sign up for text message alerts at Home | UMD Alerts . While local television and radio stations report on University closings, the information is not always correct. Please use the telephone number above or check the University website ( ). See Procedures for Delayed Openings and Campus Closings Due to Inclement Weather at and access inclement weather FAQs at Inclement Weather . If the University indicates it will be closing early, but an instructor has a class scheduled prior to the dismissal time, it is their choice to hold the class session or to cancel it. Cancellation notices should go to students as soon as possible. No one may ask students to remain on campus after the dismissal time. Instructors with synchronous online courses starting after dismissal time may hold class but they should be prepared to offer students an opportunity to make up any assignments, as some may rely on public facilities for their information technology needs. Instructors may cancel the session entirely or work individually with students who are not able to access a course space during inclement weather.