

For full-time faculty and staff, all incoming mail and packages will be distributed daily, Monday through Friday, to individual offices. Items will be left inside locked offices. Adjunct faculty can retrieve mail from the iSchool Service desk during regular business hours (9am-4pm, Monday to Friday). 

All mail and packages should be addressed as follows to ensure proper delivery:

[Employee Name]

College of Information Studies

4130 Campus Dr.

0201 Hornbake Library

College Park, MD 20742

Outgoing mail and packages will be collected and processed daily, Monday through Friday, at the iSchool Service Desk in HBK0201 or at the Dean’s Reception Desk outside PTX1122. Employees mailing a package should drop off the item at one of these locations and send a note to iSchool Administration and Finance (ischooladmin@umd.edu) with the recipient's address information.  Tracking information will be provided once the item has been shipped.

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